Feb 1, 2023

Infuse has a new look and feel!
Have you noticed something different about us lately? We've undergone a major makeover and we're feeling brand new! And what better way to celebrate our fresh new look than by showering our creators with bonuses?! That's right, we're giving away bonuses in February! Here's how you can earn yours:
If a creator earns between $500 - $5K in February 2023, we’ll give them a 3% at the end of February as a bonus! For example, if a creator earns $2,500 in Feb, we'll give them a $75 bonus!
If a creator earns between $5K - $10K, we’ll give them an extra 7%
If a creator earns between $10K or more, we’ll give them an extra 10%
So go and create! And who knows, you might just earn yourself a little extra cash in the process…
The bonuses structure
Earn $500 - $5K and get a 3% bonus.
Earn $5K - $10K and get a 7% bonus.
Earn over $10K and get a 10% bonus.
All earnings made between Feb 1, 2023, and Feb 28, 2023, will count toward the bonus promotion. Applicable earnings include advertising-generated earnings and referral-generated earnings.
A creator's earnings during the promotional period will be accumulated and a bonus on those earnings will be calculated. Bonuses will be paid after the promotion ends.
Creators who have been approved and are actively earning on the Infuse platform are eligible for a bonus.
Media buyers are not eligible for the bonus program.
Agents are not eligible for the bonus program.
Earnings must be generated from organic posts.
Creators must follow FTC and platform guidelines in their content.
Creators who don't adhere to Infuse's creator standards, advertising standards and/or drive manufactured installs will not be eligible for a bonus. Creators manipulating traffic or installs may have their payments temporarily restricted, permanently restricted, and/or be banned from the Infuse platform.
Infuse reserves the right to refuse a bonus to any creator, at any moment, for any reason.